Be a Teacher

“Improving Quality of Life Across the Lifespan.” It’s what teachers do.

Photo of threshold

Photo of the original LSU School of Education threshold.

From 1940-1964, the graduates of the then-named LSU College of Education would step over a wooden threshold in George Peabody Hall before entering the profession. When Peabody Hall was renovated in the 80s, the threshold was saved and a gold plate was engraved with the number of graduates from our college and placed on the threshold. 

CHSE’s Lutrill & Pearl Payne School of Education Pinning Ceremony was created in order to celebrate each and every one of our School of Education graduates and future teachers. This day also signifies us living up to our flagship mission and purpose. 

It is often said that LSU is the flagship for the state of Louisiana – but what does that actually mean? Quite simply, it means that we have a duty to better the lives of citizens in every parish.

When our students cross the stage, they commit to a career to teaching. They are our flagship mission in action. 





Ticker with number of SOE graduates


Today, teacher graduates attend their Pinning Ceremony in the Huey P. Long Field House. The building opened in 1932, with an intricate tiger mosaic inlaid in the foyer. The Latin phrase around the tiger translates to “A Sound Mind in a Sound Body” - a perfect parallel to our college mission to improve quality of life across the lifespan. Our teachers not only improve the quality of life of their students, they lift up entire communities.

CHSE has created a new threshold to bring back our years-old tradition. To receive their pins, our education graduates cross over this new threshold.

When crossing this threshold, graduates remember the thousands of Tiger teachers who came before them. It also symbolizes the POSITIVE IMPACT our students will have on GENERATIONS of Pre-kindergarten thought 12th grade students. Education is their stduents' way to mental health, physical health, and a prosperous life.

Geaux Tigers, and Geaux Change Lives.


Meet our Spring 2024 Changemakers and newest TIGER TEACHERS:


Geaux Teach Math and Science

Nina Colegrove

William DeNooyer

Madeline Girouard

Christopher Hudson

Maia Jackson

Viet Nguyen

Sophie Ntipouna

Colette Rainey

Alec Sheehy


Health & Physical Education

Jordan Allred

Catherine Borel

James Brock

Lauren Julian


Dual Certification

Collin Crousillac

Stephanie Fairbairn

Aijah Lathan

Mariela Lirette

Megan McGinnis

Tatum McKinney

Sydney Rhodes

Catherine Sherman


Secondary Holmes Master of Arts in Teaching

Richard McCurley

Donna Moore

Michelle Perez

Kelsy Robbins

Gregory Thomas

Desiree Truelove


Holmes Elementary Master of Arts in Teaching

Ann Louise Babineaux

Hannah Brayden

Madeline Clouatre


Alternative Certification STEM

Jason Huang


Kappa Delta Pi Members

Bethany Antoine

Olivia Dornan

Nikki Joell Leblanc

Hannah Theriot


Early Childhood Education

Micah Allen

Emily Bancroft

Margaret Cazenavette

Caroline Doise

Kori Edgerton

Emma Flucke

Caroline Hartdegen

Emma Kuehn

Gabrielle Lafleur

Nikki Leblanc

Jamie LeJeune

Cassidy Lyons

Abby Miller

Catherine Pineda

Ana Espinoza Robles

Victoria Rhodes

Jessika Urquiza


Elementary Education

Bethany Antoine

Victoria Bradford

Olivia Curcio

Arlen Dehon

Aidan DeLaro

Olivia Dornan

Julia Elbourne

Abby Granger

Brandi Hester

Kylie Hingle

Kate Kliebert

Katie LeBlanc

Savannah Lennon

Alexia Leonard

Chryselynn Martin

Kyle McCartney

Karlyn Moore

Isabella Moreau

Madison Nicholas

Ella Pittman

Madison Pittman

Alyssa Rosevally

Jamie Schoop

Hannah Theriot

Tiffani Tran

Allison Witherington


Geaux Teach Humanities

Anastasia Azore

Blaine Baker

Kourtney Campo

Dianney Carbajal

Isabelle Maloy

Lydia Murphy

Julia Palmer

Adam Richards 

Macie Talbert

Stephanie Tynes

Allyssa Veney




CHSE is on a mission and we need your help! Here, we impact lives. Whether we're educating the next generation or improving mental and phsyical health for communities, we impact lives. So we're calling on you to join the movement. Someone out there needs YOU. Answer the call. Be a teacher and geaux change lives.